Project Prospecta Blog

What Is Marketing Automation & Do I Need It? - Project Prospecta

Written by Freya Oxton-Grant | Feb 15, 2021 12:32:01 PM

Many tasks that used to require hours of manpower are now being automated. From car manufacturing to hospitality services, automation reduces the time and costs associated with human labour by streamlining the process.

The same drive for automation is happening with software too, digital marketing being a prime example.

Marketing automation is a technology that allows you to automate marketing processes, improving efficiency and condensing the time and money needed.

You can read about how marketing automation saves you time and money here.

In this article, we will discuss what marketing automation is, how it works, and what benefit it can provide for building product companies like yours.

How Does Marketing Automation Work?

There are several elements to marketing automation, and it all depends on the level of software you invest in. In the marketing world, automation can cover everything from email marketing to social media management, lead nurturing to workflows.

A few benefits of integrating these tools could be:

  • The ability to do twice as much work in the same amount of time
  • Generate more leads and revenue without hiring additional staff
  • Punch upwards at legacy companies and brands with bigger budgets and teams

Marketing automation accomplishes the above by helping you work in a streamlined and systematic way.

Automating Your Email Marketing

One of the most popular activities to automate is email marketing.

As a direct channel to your prospects and customers, emails can be automated to send out throughout the week, targeting specific segments of your audience.

One example of automated emails is if a specifier or architect downloads a datasheet or resource from your website, you can send an automated response with further information about their topic of interest. This helps them with their decision making, moving them further down the buyer’s journey, while also building a relationship with your business.

You can then also set up further automations to follow up with that contact a few days, or weeks, down the line. This means your sales reps can focus on other, more priority, leads. The software can manage it all for you!

Automating mundane and repetitive tasks, that take up time for your marketing and sales teams, means you can give your website visitors the information they might need, and re-engage them over time if they show interest.

Another great benefit of this automation is that with certain queries, such as pricing or tender documents, the system can be set up to reply instantly, whatever time of day or night with the appropriate answer.

This guarantees high open rates, and engagement. Likewise, in an industry such as construction, being on it with high-quality customer service like this can mean you are a step ahead of competitors.


Marketing automation can save your sales and marketing teams time, whilst also appropriately engaging your prospects and website visitors, to provide them with a positive customer experience.

The results of this can be massive- according to research, marketing automation can increase customer conversions by up to 77%. So if you’re looking to specify or tender for work via Barbour ABI or Glenigan then it’s vital you use automation to communicate with prospects.

If done well, marketing automation gives you the ability to streamline your marketing activities, nurture those leads which are currently unengaged, and provide your website visitors with the information they want, exactly when they want it.